Hello, I'm...

Adrian Grigore Pop


  • Working as UI-UX designer, product manager, web developer, editor and entrepreneur
  • Have started on a late November day in 1960
  • Now located in the Bucharest area of Romania
  • Reachable at adrian dot pop at informagination.ro
  • Or +40 722 283 [three times four]
  • Ready to be Your Information Companion


Passionate about knowledge and information technology, with over 35 years of professional experience; I work as a UI-UX Designer, Web Developer, Product Manager/Owner, Editor with over 25 years as an entrepreneur; Specialized in web programming (JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP) and Agile development; Former WordPress Contributor and General Translation Editor for the Romanian WordPress community; Publisher of IT magazines, computer manuals and websites; Graphic designer with a special passion for typography and minimalism.

Born in Zalau, educated in Cluj-Napoca, I started my professional career in Târgu Mureș, which I then continued in Bucharest;
Father of two twin daughters since 1985 and two sons since 2011 and 2013;
Critical thinker, in love with technology, science, visual arts and music since…forever.


Business Skills

Entreprenership 99%
Product Management 90%
Business Analyst 90%
Business Strategy 80%
Business Development/Planning 80%
Team Work 99%

Professional Skills

Figma, UI-UX 99%
JavaScript, HTML & CSS 90%
PHP & MySQL 80%
WordPress 90%
Adobe Creative Suite 99%
Microsoft Office Suite 99%

Languages Skills

English 90%
Français 70%
Română 99%

Work Experience

2019 - present

BIT Software

Product Manager, UI-UX Designer

Working on various Cloud Apps for Enterprise Level Applications.

2016 - 2019


Product Manager, UI-UX Designer, Analyst & Partner

A cloud application for entrepreneurs and accountants to help their businesses in new and meaningful ways.

2013 - today

informagination, srl

owner, imagineer

Working for my partners as a personal adviser on computing and web technologies. Helping on designing and launching new projects, gardening their web sites and create beautiful designs for their communication needs.

2010 - 2016


Business Development Manager

Responsible with company communication both internally and externally. Re-branding, print and presentation materials, website development and content creation, UI and UX development for its web based products' interfaces.

2010 - 2019

Adrian Grigore Pop, PFA

Web Dev & Designer

Working on a range of projects: designing and programming websites; producing communication materials; typography, graphic and web design.

2001 - 2010

Agora Media, SA

Partner, Executive Director

Responsible with publishing activities, business planning & development, new products and design. Continuing Computer Press Agora publishing activities, diversifying the titles with eWeek Romania, Digital Trends and IT Trends, complemented with Road Shows and Conferences as eLiberatica on open-source.

1995 - 2000

Computer Press Agora, SRL

Partner, Executive Director

Responsible with publishing activities, business planning & development, new products and design. Continuing the publication of PC Report, acquiring the license for BYTE Romania, and later for PC Magazine Romania. Publishing Gazeta de Informatica, CAD Report and IT textbooks.

1995 - today

Radiotel Mureș, SRL

Partner, Administrator

Responsible with business development and strategy.
Introducing the first paging and radio networks in the city.
Developing the radio communication tower for radio communications, TV and Radio broadcast, internet links and cell-based communications.

1992 - 2010

HotSoft, SRL

Owner, Technical Director

Doing all sort of things at the beginning: programming, DTP, editor, test engineer. Launching PC Report, the first major Romanian IT&C magazine. From 1995, the company became a holding and created several businesses in Software Development, IT Equipment Distribution, Radio Communication, Internet ISP, IT&C Publishing, English IT magazines & books distribution.
Developer of KeyMap - A keyboard driver with 180 fonts with Romanian characters, for Windows 3.1 up to 95.

1990 - 1992

Computing Center of Târgu Mureș

Software Developer

A redesign of a computing periferial as general purpose microcomputer with a DOS OS.
A graphical UI with animated menus and board movements for a chess algorithm.

1990 - 1994

Petru Maior University of Târgu Mureș

Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

Part of the team that created the Department of Computer Science at the Technical University. Teaching Introduction in Computer Architecture and Operating Systems.

1985 - 1990

IIRUC, S20 - Computers, Târgu Mureș

Computer Maintenance Engineer

Computer maintenance for mainframe systems (an IBM 360 clone), minicomputers (a Digital PDP 11 clone) and microcomputers (an Atair 8800 clone) and finally PCs. Also the maintenance for their periferic devices: disk-pile units, magnetic tape units, teletype consoles, drum printers, punch card readers, and other equipments - now computing museum stuff :)

1984 - 1985

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

Graduation Project

Co-author of the first Personal Computer (PC) build at the University, based on the IBM PC specifications for Intel 8088 microprocessor.

Side Projects

2022 - present


Local Councilor, Corbeanca Local Council

Elected as Local Councilor for the Corbeanca Local Council, Ilfov County for the 2020-2024 legislature.
Member in the Bureau of the Local Organization USR Corbeanca.

2018 - 2022


member in the Bureau of Local Community PLUS

Member in a new political party PLUS - the Party for Liberty Unity and Solidarity just launched in Romania on December 2018, with a center-right political platform. Elected as CLocal Community PLUS Corbeanca.

2009 - 2016


Founder, Bass Guitar

A rock cover band, with a few shows per year, for our rock-loving friends :)

2014 - 2019


General Translation Editor, Romanian Site Editor

Volunteer in the WordPress Polyglots Team, working to bring the most popular internet personal publishing platform - WordPress - to the Romanians. Supervising the consistency and completion for all core translation projects, for main plugins and themes and validation for the rest of them.

2006 - 2009


Founder, Film Director, Actor, Bass Guitar Player

Founder of the ERUDIO Alumnae Association and participating in several projects of the association. Scripting and directing two short movies. Acting in a theater play. Playing bass guitar in a rock band.

2005 - 2010


Graphic & Web Designer, Web Developer

Brand design for the Educational Association and for its programs. Website creation, web developer and content editor.

Part of the team that build and launch a brand new political party in Romania. A center-right and liberal modern party - the first with an internet platform.
Responsible for visuals, communication and web. Creating the web platform. Web development and content creation.
in 2005, for 6 months, Secretary General in PNT-CD - the party in which URR was absorbed.

1985 - 1990


Software Developer

Build a home computer HC 85 (a Sinclair 80 clone) from kit parts, design and build a parallel printer interface for it.
Creating a copy-encryption-decryption cassette tape program with on-the-fly self-actuation and reconfiguration for copyright protection.
An avant-la-lettre Office Suite for HC 85 with a word processor, a spreadsheet and vector based drawing programs.
A Basic program for modeling the blood flow in brain - Simulation of the Willis Polygon, etc.

1981 - 1985

Faculty's Students Association

Vice President for Cutural Activities

Responsible with students' cultural activities, festivals, and more.


2005 - 2006

ERISMA - Leadership Creativ

ERUDIO - Expresia Educatiei

1997 - 1999

EMBA - Executive Master of Business Administration

ASEBUSS - Romanian-American School of Business


Business Training and Cooperation for SMEs

An USAID Program

1985 - 1986

Computer Architecture Trainings for Mainframes, Mini and Micro-Computers Maintenance

IIRUC - Computing Equipment Maintenace Company

1980 - 1985

Computer Engineer, (MSc in Computer Science)

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

1980 - 1983

Classic Guitar

Popular School of Arts,Cluj-Napoca

1975 - 1978

Graphic Design

Popular School of Arts, Cluj-Napoca

1974 - 1979

Phisics & Mathematics Class

"Nicolae Balcescu" High School, Cluj-Napoca

Estimated Prices

250 EUR per day, or 50 EUR per hour

Yours for a day

A whole day I’m yours for short web or IT related projects. Every once in awhile you may need small – but nevertheless important – materials, content or website updates. An hourly / daily based contract would be best suited for these needs. Preferably on a monthly basis.

3.000 EUR per month, for larger project(s)

starting price for a full month

Either for a tech startup or a product, a business presentation website, a branding or a rebranding, a product content design, a web enhancement or a redesign of your information infrastructure. It can very well be a large tech project spanning on several months, so you could test a new ideas without necessarily start the investment in actual development. You decide, I’m fully yours :)

750 EUR per week, or per small project

A week each month or a day per week

You may have a small project, like a one-page presentation site, adding some new services/functionalities to your website, or a small design project. Or projects / developments with digital support, upgrades, communication needs, branding and ID design, presentation design, etc. All those things that you would like to do internally, but never have enough work to warrant two or three specialized full time positions. Preferably on a monthly basis.

I am pretty flexible and willing to accommodate my clients’ need and requirements. Do not hesitate to contact me, so we can further discuss the perfect solution for you.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Playing my bass guitar in a rock band
  • binge watching my favorite tv series
  • devour books on my kindle
  • brass swimming as a long walk
  • bicycle sightseeing
  • cultural travel
  • mountain hikings

..or sometimes writing poetry..

to one reverse, the universe diverse. in one inverse, the universe a verse.

lui unu revers, universul divers. în unu invers, universul un vers.

Contact me

Fill in this form

  • Email adrian dot pop at informagination.ro
  • Mobile +40 722 283 [4, three times]
  • Skype adrian.g.pop
  • Slack @adrianpop on #wpromania
  • Location the Bucharest area, Romania